Excellent Direction of ‘Taye3’

It has been nearly a week since we’ve been consumed with timing our breaks with YouTube updates and then staying up into the wee hours of the night discussing the latest episodes with our bff’s… Fortunately, soccer has taken up that gap in my life and so my television-withdrawal symptoms haven’t kicked in [yet – TBD on what I will do after today’s match]. Of the hottest topics discussed, of course, was one of our favorite shows: Taye3 (*major spoiler alerts ahead*). Who will end the circle of revenge that we’ve been drawn into? Which brother will die next? Will the women on the show ever grow up and stop feeding this nonsense to their children? The list of questions goes on… While watching, I couldn’t help but notice some of the most powerful shots taken that made me fall in love with the show even more [accompanied with the greatest soundtrack of 2018 (so far)]. Here are some of the scenes that left a lasting impression on this season’s most talked about show in chronological order… because you know, I couldn’t pick my favorite!
1) First to FightShot 1Notice how every time there’s a fight – we get dibs on front row seats! Amr Salama brings some awesome combinations of shapes, colors, and sizes to this table fight.

2) Digging up TreasuresTaye3 Post 1 Photo 2Again with the use organized shapes… but this is the first time we see tombs being dug up for treasures. As we will soon learn this is a disappointing excavation for the purpose of smuggling, the shot is still a beautiful sight of the desert and our setting.

3) Releasing Revenge Taye3 Post 1 Photo 3Maybe it’s the marketplace; maybe it’s the villagers; or maybe it’s the message that accompanies this shot. Loosely translated: “Revenge is what blackens hearts, and killed half the village, and allowed for blood to enter every house, and aged children, of whom I am the first.”

4) Marry me MohgaTaye3 Post 1 Photo 4Probably my personal favorite shot of these two stunning actors in one close up shot together, catching them in a suspenseful moment. And, what better way to ask for the Mayor’s daughter’s hand in marriage?

6) The Big WinTaye3 Post 1 Photo 5… Not for getting all that moolah for their looting and smuggling operation. Nope. It’s cause another man’s daughter was engaged to be married.

7) The (Unknown) Home-wreckerTaye3 Post 1 Photo 7Stay out of it, Gaber… This is probably not one of those relationships where you want to be caught in between two people.

8) Forgive Me… NOT!Taye3 Post 1 Photo 8
If this scene didn’t move us to tears… Then I don’t know what would! There was enough foreshadowing to suggest that Mohga and child were going to die. But we didn’t expect Harby to be so ruthless and bold in asking for forgiveness while still taking his revenge!

9) He Keeps Walking AwayTaye3 Post 1 Photo 9Amina is just one of those girls that does not take a hint. He keeps walking away… and she keeps following. Aside from this being a beautiful shot of the scenery, we get to see exactly what Miss Faithful and Mister Obedient are thinking about: how Taye3 entered jail to escape revenge, and now, how he only thinks of revenge. Yet, Taye3 might be onto something when he says how revenge is running after him; Revenge is taking its own revenge from him, since he left it and escaped from it for so many years. Ironically, he concludes with similar words that his younger brother mentioned. If revenge is taken, why would I live? And for whom?

10) And She Keeps Coming Back for More

The one time the guns didn’t show up to the gun fight, and the women tried to work it out, someone ended up dead! Robin Williams has been quoted to say, “If women ran the world we wouldn’t have wars, just intense negotiations every 28 days.” I guess this doesn’t apply to all women! Needless to say, this is one of those fights that was too close for my liking. No front row seats for this one – we were caught right in between them!

11) Not Crowd SurfingTaye3 Post 1 Photo 11
This was one of those times I found myself rooting for the bad guy to get out of a bad situation. If only this was a concert, we would have (maybe) gotten them out alive.

12) The Horror

When you realize how you’ve fallen into a trap of self-destruction, self-defeat, and self-hate as history repeats itself… until you take your own future.

Note: The shot of Harby having a bullet pass through his head was actually the one I chose for this scene; but it was far too graphic for me to display here.

13) Love WinsTaye3 Post 1 Photo 13Finally. The true treasure is delivered to the one who will protect it.